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Accepted TarasRex's Xenian Application

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The Citrus Fruit
Jun 23, 2023
Discord Username
tarasrex (TarasRex#4427 in the past)

Steam ID


How long have you been a member of LimeFruit for?
More than 2 years.

Do you have any experience playing Xenian creatures in the past?
I have played as a vortigaunt on a serious Half-Life 2 rp server. Didn't play any other creature though.

What happened to Vortigaunts in our lore?
Nobody really knows. Most likely they were all abducted by the Combine, but nothing is truly confirmed.

What Xenian creature would you like to play? Describe their behaviour in big detail.

Headcrabs are an aggressive species. In a calm state, it explores its surroundings. Using their small bodies, they search for small and concealed areas - holes, tubes, small mines, vents - where they can sit and hide, from where they can unexpectedly attack prey. Headcrabs are omnivours, so they will search not only for meat, but for fruits and vegetables as well.

When they see a humanoid, the headcrab will leap towards the person's head and try to take control of their body. If successful, the body will start a zombification process. The person being attacked stays alive throughout the whole process and is still conscious of the pain, but now is unable to control their muscles and body in general. The headcrab then uses the body of the host to attack anything that is in its sight, besides other headcrabs and their hosts.

If the beak, which the headcrab uses for zombifying humans, is removed, the alien would become much more calm and much less aggressive. Humans can then tame the headcrab and teach it to behave.


Bullsquids are territorial beasts. When alone, or very rarely in a group, they look for a toxic and biologically dangerous place to call their nest, and make that territory theirs. The bullsquids hunt all creatures they see alive, other bullsquids included. The only exception is the houndeye species, which bullsquids try to avoid.

While hunting, they use the smell of meat and blood to track down the prey. When spotted, bullsquids spit a toxic substance from their mouths, damaging the victim from a long range. They then try to get
closer and attack with their tentacles, grabbing the victim's body, strangling and biting it to death. When fighting, they also use the claws on their feet and tail, slashing them with a spinning attack.

After defeating the prey, the bullsquid will start feasting with it, eating it raw. During this phase, if any other creature comes by and does not harm the bullsquid, they will remain untouched. When eating, all of the bullsquid's attention goes to food consumption. If not prompted, the next prey can easily get away.


Houndeye likes to explore its surroundings. They use their one giant eye to observe the area, and the claw to touch and investigate the things they find interesting. Their mouth is located in between their two front legs, on the belly. The alien is an omnivour, but prefers to eat fruits and vegetables rather than meat. They are a social species, and like to go in groups of at least 3 or 4. When alone, the houndeye is very passive and "shy" to other alive creatures, trying not to get in contact with them. However, once in a group, they become more aggressive towards anything that threatens their existence.

When they attack, they use shock waves to damage not only structures around them, but different creatures as well, causing internal bleeding. The sonic shock waves are visible, and emit different colors, depending on the power of the attack (from white to violet). The more houndeyes in a group, the more powerful the shock wave will be.

In a big group, a squad leader can be seen, guarding other houndeyes from danger when they sleep, and leading the way when they travel. If a squad leader is defeated, all other houndeyes become much weaker when they attack.

When can you use the Xenian Creature whitelist on the server?
Only during the events, and only when the staff allows it.
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Update: added all previous applications into this one, combining them, as requested by @Shadow
I will be going to accept your application, from what I can gather you are very familiar with the Xenian wildlife.

Request your whitelist ingame.
I will be going to accept your application, from what I can gather you are very familiar with the Xenian wildlife.

Request your whitelist ingame.
Thank you very much 😄
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