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[FORMAT] Project Proposal


Makrut Lime
Project Manager
Short Stories Project Manager
Jun 25, 2023

If you are looking to start a project, please submit your project proposal using the following format:

PROJECT TITLE: My Awesome Project
PROJECT LEAD: Your name or multiple names if multiple project leads are assigned

RESEARCH TOPIC: What are you planning to investigate?

PROJECT STAGES: Will the project have different stages? If so, which?

LABORATORY REQUIRED: Which laboratories will you require?
[AMS Laboratories - Applied Biology Laboratories - Materials Research Laboratories - Vivarium]

MOTIVATION FOR RESEARCH: Write down why you would like to perform this research and what it may contribute to the facility or potentially the world.

IS THIS A CONFIDENTIAL PROJECT? YES / NO - if YES; make sure to add "[CONFIDENTIAL]" to the project title

You may post project proposals as a reply to this thread. Once approved, you will receive instructions where to publish the project.​
PROJECT TITLE:Anti matter baseline
PROJECT LEAD: Sam Hovermen(Will add as needed)

Getting baseline stats for future antimatter research

PROJECT STAGES: Will the project have different stages? If so, which?

LABORATORY REQUIRED: Any as this is very small scale and we would only need a few small vacuum chambers and a blast box similar to what EODs use if we don't have one in storage I will ask engineering to make one As well as a Penning trap.

MOTIVATION FOR RESEARCH: Getting a baseline for when we get the anti-matter labs working and open

PROJECT TITLE:Anti matter baseline
PROJECT LEAD: Sam Hovermen(Will add as needed)

Getting baseline stats for future antimatter research

PROJECT STAGES: Will the project have different stages? If so, which?

LABORATORY REQUIRED: Any as this is very small scale and we would only need a few small vacuum chambers and a blast box similar to what EODs use if we don't have one in storage I will ask engineering to make one As well as a Penning trap.

MOTIVATION FOR RESEARCH: Getting a baseline for when we get the anti-matter labs working and open

Moved it here as I wasn’t sure that people realized I was asking for approval on this
-Sam Hoverman
PROJECT TITLE:Anti matter baseline
PROJECT LEAD: Sam Hovermen(Will add as needed)

Getting baseline stats for future antimatter research

PROJECT STAGES: Will the project have different stages? If so, which?

LABORATORY REQUIRED: Any as this is very small scale and we would only need a few small vacuum chambers and a blast box similar to what EODs use if we don't have one in storage I will ask engineering to make one As well as a Penning trap.

MOTIVATION FOR RESEARCH: Getting a baseline for when we get the anti-matter labs working and open

FROM: [email protected]
TO: [email protected] @Midnighy
CC: [email protected], [email protected] @M. M. Casserole @Shadow
SUBJECT: RE: Proposal Anti matter baseline

Dear Dr. Hoverman

I am currently unavailable due to annual holidays. I am expected to make a return by August 13, 2025.

As for your inquiry, we are currently underequipped at the Sector C facilities to study antimatter. Though, our partners in the recently completed Sector F facilities will be more than happy to help you further with this endeavour. However, as of current, we cannot afford inter-sectorial research due to the limited scientific staff available in both sectors C and F.

Though I am willing to discuss this matter more comprehensively with you at the earliest convenience possible.
We could look into investing in the necessary equipment, if this project proposal would only have more body and would prove valuable for our research efforts.

For the time being, I would recommend you consult with our experts on the matter at hand, Director Churchill and Dr. Akinori, their input would be invaluable when considering the project and its implications, which may result in the investment into equipment.

I look forward to meeting you when I am available again.

Yours truly

Dr. Erika Dzundza
Director of Science
Sector C - Anomalous Materials